Saturday, January 12, 2008

Big Tassie Penguin

Stepped off the ferry at six am, and the furtherest (sic) i could travel was the wee hamlet of Penguin, twenty minutes away. Largest indoor sunday market on the mid-north coast of Tasmania; how could i resist?

There are penguin images and statues everywhere as you'd expect, and i've been promised a Big Penguin. Holding my breath for that one. Better not be that tiny penguin outside the visitor centre.

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Postscript: how many penguins can you see in this picture?

Do they serve penguins to the folks with age-related issues, or do they bring meals to the elderly penguins?

(More penguin photos over on flickr; eg slideshow.)

Still waiting to hear how Fiona and Paul are going in Halifax with their current adventure.
Hanging out for some news. Sending out the positive wishes, prayers etc.

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