Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi Ya and Hey Ya

Sasha put on an album last week of remixes to Nasrat Ali Khan - StarRise. As much as anything that Sasha does it was the right type of music for moment.... he makes better music choices than I do... next step the great American novel. Perhaps i should let him loose on my paintings... hmmm i had always expected him to outshine me but not by the age of three.

Friday, April 20, 2007

my sister the video director

Hey guess what my sister the international traveller has put together a video about child labourers in Cambodia. How good is that!

(i mean, it's not good that there are factories employing children to do shit work, no .. it's good that Katie gets to do something creative and useful while she's at work! and i mean the video is really good. Yay Katie Chalk!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

airport disco adventure

Sam and Tim went to Tasmania. i went to the airport. That was fun too, especially when we rocked up the first time, and there was serious disco playing in the car as the kids got out. Tim says, "You can't go til the song's finished." But i was mean, and i drove off, dancing in the driver seat.

It was a great mix, on 3RRR, song after song of goodness. We heard a full on version of oh, what was it, with Siouxsie on backing vocals .. remind me Tim.

mm, take a look at Uncle Paul's view, on the Ratty Blog. i wanna go to Tassie already.